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Thousands of New Drivers Lose Licences in First Year

Posted: Friday, 08 December 2017

It is not necessarily a given that earning one's driving licence will mean uninterrupted driving for a lifetime. In fact, a new study conducted by ALA reveals that thousands of new drivers in the UK lose their licences within a year of obtaining them. The study's results offer yet another reason for employers to take advantage of regular licence checks on all employees who drive for work.

The ALA study looked at both government data and 1,000 motorists ALA contacted directly. Their research revealed that roughly 3,200 new drivers who obtained their licences between April 2016 and March 2017 had been disqualified for one reason or another. The study also revealed that:

  • 28% of disqualified drivers were between the ages of 19 and 21
  • 25% of disqualified drivers were between the ages of 22 and 25

Researchers asked the 1,000 drivers they contacted whether they were involved in accidents within their first 12 months of driving. A surprising 22% answered in the affirmative. Using all the data, the ALA calculated that more than 176,000 new drivers were likely involved in accidents within their first year during the same April 2016-March 2017 time frame.

Finally, the study revealed that more than 18,000 new drivers received points on their licences during the first year. This is over and above the 3,200 that were disqualified. All combined, that is more than 21,000 new drivers who ran into trouble during their first year of driving.

How Licence Checks Help

If nothing else, the ALA study clearly reinforces the idea that human beings are imperfect. It also reminds employers to conduct regular licence checks. After all, an employee may not necessarily be forthright about an incident that has resulted in points on the licence or disqualification. Doing so would cost the employee his or her job.

While it may be unpleasant to admit that licence checks are a wise idea, the fact remains that they are. Employers that make the effort to conduct regular licence checks are protecting themselves, their employees, and the general public. Licence checks are an essential tool for making sure that drivers who do not belong on the roads do not drive company vehicles.

As for the ALA study itself, hopefully it motivates action to find new ways to improve the skills of new drivers. Helping them drive better makes us all safer.