Posted: Friday, 11 November 2016
For professional fleet managers, it's not only important to keep track of the marks that your drivers have on their licences, but also which kinds of vehicles they are permitted to drive thanks to their individual level of experience behind the wheel.
In the United Kingdom, for any person to drive a particular form of vehicle - from a moped to a lorry, it is important that they must have an entitlement for that vehicle type on their driving licence.
There are various places that you can check with the UK government to determine which forms of vehicle licence apply to which codes, but for those who are responsible for trailers and heavy vehicles like HGVs we've put together a list of categories to be aware of.
Make sure to link each driver in your fleet to the correct category that they are permitted to drive based on the codes below, and remember that entitlements can come with additional restrictions.
The type of code you receive for an option to drive larger vehicles such as lorries and vans will depend on your ability as a driver. Your fleet may need to undergo additional lessons in order to upgrade their driving licence if you require them to drive something other than a car.
The most common categories for larger vehicles include: